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If your Airbags Deploy is it a Total Loss?


Many accidents can involve airbag deployment, but does that always mean that your car is now totaled? Our Orlando techs want to set this record straight. If your airbags are deployed, you still had a chance to save your vehicle. Your Orlando Toyota has not declared a total loss by car insurance companies unless the total damage is more than your car in its current state. This means there may be options. Let’s let our Orlando Toyota experts give us more details on when to call it an official loss.

Will Your Car be Considered Totaled After the Airbags Deploy?

To answer that question you will have to look to your car insurance. A total loss is when the damage of your car is greater than what it is worth or what the cost of repair will be. There is a threshold according to states - In Florida, this would be 80%. This means, if the repair of your car is more than 80% of what it is valued, it will be a total loss.

If you find yourself in this situation (totaled), you may end up cutting your losses. This is not ideal, however, our Orlando techs know that there is little further you can do to save the Orlando Toyota. Even if your airbags are deployed, this isn’t the worst-case scenario. Toyota of Orlando wants to make sure that you know you are safe and healthy.

Just because your airbags have deployed, doesn't mean that your car isn’t reparable. Our Orlando Toyota techs have the best certifications to evaluate the damage and give you a thorough assessment of what is able to be fixed. Let’s let our OrlandoToyota specialists go into detail about how when airbags is deployed, that doesn’t mean a total loss.

-This can be a common misconception due to the fact that many major accidents involve your airbags deployed. This isn’t always the case. There are many situations where you air bag is deployed and your car isn’t totaled. It is all up to the situation

- When it comes down to it, it’s all about the cost and value of your car. Your Orlando Toyota can be new, but what model is it? There are certain cars that are in demand and there may be certain Orlando Toyotas that are not. This is a factor in the essential total cost of your damaged vehicle. Your car may not have had the airbags deployed, however it can still be considered a total loss.

- If you're worried about an accident causing your car to be totaled, you may want to think about its age. The earlier the car’s manufacturing date, in addition to the car airbag deployed, will make things more difficult. You may have to consider the cost of replacing airbags to the cost of total repairs.

- If your airbags deployed, then there was most likely an accident. What you need to ask yourself is, who was at fault? If your airbags deployed in your Orlando Toyota, and it was most likely the other vehicle's fault, breathe easy. Your insurance, in conjunction with theirs, will cover the damages, including if your airbags are deployed.

Our Orlando Toyota Techs Are Ready To Help During a Car Crisis

The best thing to do is have our Toyota of Orlando detail info on hand in case of emergency. Please contact Toyota of Orlando by calling us at (407) 298-0001. You can also stop by at any time. We are open 7 days a week and located at just off I-4 near the Millenia Mall at 3575 Vineland Road!

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